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VR Online
Bringing contemporary technology to the Vocational Rehabilitation Guidance and Counseling process.
Why Vocational Rehabilitation Guidance and Counseling Online?
Improve access to Vocational Rehabilitation Guidance and Counseling by utilizing video conferencing technology.
Strengthen the counselor-consumer relationship.
Increase face-to-face contact with consumer.
Reduce barrier that limit access to Vocational Rehabilitation services such as unavailable or inaccessible transportation.
Increase access to Vocational Rehabilitation services.
Enhance employment outcomes.
What The Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Can Do
Conduct individual sessions with your consumer.
Assign tasks to be completed using the web portal resources.
Discuss results of assigned tasks.
Provide feedback regarding successful completion of assignments.
Provide feedback regarding areas needing improvement.
Increase contact with consumer thus increasing opportunity for providing vocational guidance and counseling.
What Consumers Can Do
Be more active in the vocational rehabilitation process.
Have a better understanding of VR services.
Increase your knowledge about what to expect of VR services.
Be more accountable and involved in the progress and results VR services.
Resources in the Web Portal
Job Seeking Skills Training, Job Search and Job Placement
Career Exploration
Online Assessments
Vocational Training and Educational Opportunities
Job Coaching
Supportive Employment
Assistive Technology and Video Conferencing
What is Vocational Rehabilitation?
Why Work?
Social Security and Work Incentives